Drop y Mobs Skyland
Isla nivel 1
Mobs: Zombie
Drop: Leather (Head, Boots), Wooden Sword
Drop: Leather (Head, Boots), Wooden Sword
Isla nivel 2
Mobs: Zombie, AraƱas, Guardian
Drop: Leather (Pants, Armor), Wooden Sword, Iron Sword, Bacalao, Frag. de Prisma
Drop: Leather (Pants, Armor), Wooden Sword, Iron Sword, Bacalao, Frag. de Prisma
Isla nivel 4
Mobs: Zombie, AraƱas, Guardian Boss
Drop: Golden (Head, Boots), Golden Axe, Prisma, Bacalao, Esponja, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa, Iron Sword, Iron Boots, Shield
Drop: Golden (Head, Boots), Golden Axe, Prisma, Bacalao, Esponja, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa, Iron Sword, Iron Boots, Shield
Isla nivel 10
Mobs: Zombie, AraƱas
Drop: Golden (Pants), Wooden Sword, Golden Axe, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa
Drop: Golden (Pants), Wooden Sword, Golden Axe, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa
Isla nivel 15
Mobs: Zombie, AraƱas, Skeleton, Golem Boss, Wither Skeleton, Cerdo
Drop: Iron (Boots, Head), Iron Sword, Iron Axe, Lingote de Iron, Flor roja, Arrow, Hueso, Cabeza de wither skeleton, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa, Chuleta de cerdo, CarbĆ³n
Drop: Iron (Boots, Head), Iron Sword, Iron Axe, Lingote de Iron, Flor roja, Arrow, Hueso, Cabeza de wither skeleton, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa, Chuleta de cerdo, CarbĆ³n
Isla nivel 17
Mobs: Zombie, AraƱas, Creeper, Wither skeleton
Drop: Iron (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, Iron Axe, Golden Apple, CarbĆ³n, Cabeza de Wither skeleton, pĆ³lvora, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa, Reloj, Crema de magma, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Drop: Iron (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, Iron Axe, Golden Apple, CarbĆ³n, Cabeza de Wither skeleton, pĆ³lvora, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa, Reloj, Crema de magma, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Isla nivel 20
Mobs: AraƱas
Drop: Iron (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, Iron Axe, Golden Apple, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Drop: Iron (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, Iron Axe, Golden Apple, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Isla nivel 25
Mobs: Zombie, Skeleton
Drop: Diamond (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, antorcha, Golden Apple, Bow, Arrow, Hueso, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Drop: Diamond (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, antorcha, Golden Apple, Bow, Arrow, Hueso, Hilo, Ojo de araƱa, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Isla nivel 27
Mobs: AraƱa
Drop: Diamond (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, antorcha, Golden Apple, Bow, Arrow, Hueso, Sopa de hongos, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Drop: Diamond (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, antorcha, Golden Apple, Bow, Arrow, Hueso, Sopa de hongos, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Isla nivel 30
Mobs: Guardian Boss
Drop: Diamond (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, Golden Apple, Bacalao, Cuerda, Frag. Prisma, Prisma, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Drop: Diamond (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Iron Sword, Diamond Sword, Golden Apple, Bacalao, Cuerda, Frag. Prisma, Prisma, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Isla nivel 35
Mobs: Zombie
Drop: Diamond (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Diamond Sword, Golden Apple, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Drop: Diamond (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Diamond Sword, Golden Apple, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Isla nivel 40
Mobs: Wither skeleton, Giant Boss
Drop: Diamond Sword, Golden Apple, CarbĆ³n, Cabeza de Whiter skeleton, Jewel of Chaos, Diamantes.
Isla nivel 50
Mobs: Zombie, Creepers, Wither Boss
Drop: Diamond X (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Diamond Sword X, Golden Apple, Max Apple, pĆ³lvora, Jewel of Chaos, Legendary Crystal, Diamantes, Estrella del Nether, Excelente Golden Items
Isla nivel 45
Mobs: Zombie, Wither skeleton, Ghast
Drop: Diamond (Pants, Armor, Head, Boots), Diamond Sword, Golden Apple, Max Apple, Cabeza de Wither skeleton, CarbĆ³n, Jewel of Chaos, Legendary Crystal, Diamantes, Lagrimas de Ghast,Excelente Golden Items
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